The Christmas Yule Blog


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The Christmas Yule Blog

Social ***** travel writer Caroline Williams is sent to Carte De Amor, New Mexico on an assignment where she meets high school teacher Oscar Ortiz, who introduces her to another side of Christmas.

发布于2020年。由Heather Hawthorn Doyle执导,并且由编剧Bob Sáenz携幕后团队创作。集众多位莎拉·坎宁、扎克·圣蒂亚戈、艾丽森·阿拉亚、多米尼克·马里彻、Andrea Agur、Dean Paul Gibson、Destee Klyne、Carolyn Tinglin等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-11-06(美国)公映的电影。


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