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A Thai remake of the Korean drama 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, it follows very closely to the original story line. Pra’Ek is a middle-aged guy from a rich family who has never had towork until his grandmother forces him to run a coffee shop. Nang’Ek role is a hardworking and tomboyish girl who is often mistaken fora guy. She pretends to be male to get a *** at the coffee shop...

正在播放:咖啡王子一号店第1集 ,看点/版本:咖啡王子泰国版泰语。 更新于12-27 04:18,播放来源于PPS。





咖啡王子一号店第1集在线观看,看点/版本:咖啡王子泰国版泰语。 更新于12-27 04:18,播放来源于PPS。


剧情介绍:第1集-A Thai remake of the Korean drama 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, it follows very closely to the original story line. Pra’Ek is a middle-aged guy from a rich family who has never had towork until his grandmother forces him to run a coffee shop. Nang’Ek role is a hardworking and tomboyish girl who is often mistaken fora guy. She pretends to be male to get a *** at the coffee shop...——西瓜分享提供。