The Cherishing


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The Cherishing

When the 1916 Easter Rising starts, the sweet shops are the first to be looted by the Dubliners living in the tenements. Noel and *** race off and leave their mothers and sisters at home but the havoc of the next few days will come to everyone's door.

发布于2016年。由Dave Tynan执导,并且由编剧Dave Tynan携幕后团队创作。集众多位本·卡罗兰、卡尔·赖斯、克莱尔·邓恩、Lauren Kinsella、Roxanna Nic Liam、Laura Murray、Brid McCarthy、David Coon等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-02-21(爱尔兰)公映的电影。


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