UFO Cover-Up Live with Larry King


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UFO Cover-Up Live with Larry King剧情内容介绍

UFO Cover-Up Live with Larry King

Two-hour Larry King Special, produced by *** but broadcast on ***. Larry King brings his talk show to the desert outside Area 51 for a live broadcast. In a combination of live panel interviews and prerecorded inserts, the show explores the evidence for UFOs and the alleged government cover-up of UFO information. Written by Glenn Campbell

发布于1994年。集众多位格伦·坎贝尔、Mark Farmer、Stanton Friedman、斯蒂文·格瑞尔、拉里·金、威廉·夏特纳、Robert Dean、Jacques Vallee等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1994-10-01公映的电影。


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